Behind the Designs

Trust the Process
People: "How long does it take you to design a scarf?" Me casually: "about 3 months or so." Me actually: I truly don't know and honestly am scared to try to figure it out. When you are an artist/entrepreneur (and...
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The Alys
CB Grey + Alys Beach = “The Alys” CB Grey founder and artist Courtney Buchanan has become known for her luxurious, fashion-forward, boldly artistic, and deeply meaningful silk scarves and accessories, and particularly to patrons of the Alys Shoppe where...
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The Dakota
When I started to design the Dakota, I knew I wanted it to represent a free spirit -- a woman who is wise, fearless, brave and an adventurer. I started to think about my personal connection to Native American Culture...
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The Kathy
There are moments in life that require more than you think you have to give: more courage, more patience, more confidence, more energy. But guess what? You dug deep and you did it anyway. This is for every woman who...
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The Superhero
In January 2021, I was putting together my content calendar for the year.  I began searching for all the good insta-worthy days - you know, National Donut Day, International Pet Your Neighbors Cat Day (😂).  As I was laughing my way through...
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